“The Coronation of King Prajadhipok” Exhibition

Held between 24 April to 31 August 2019

At the Temporary exhibition room on first floor, the heritage building, King Prajadhipok Museum.

It is believed that the Thai coronation may be influenced by India’s Rajasuya, which comprises three steps: the coronation, the oath, and the ascension. Despite the similarities, however, the Thai coronation process contains more complications in each step as it combined the Brahmin belief and ceremony with Buddhism and old Thai traditions. The royal coronation of the Rattanakosin Period followed the old traditions, with a few details which have been adjusted as suitable, and according to the circumstances, economy, and wishes of each reign. The royal coronation consists of four steps which are the preparation, the primary royal ceremonies, the royal coronation ceremonies, and the final ceremonies.

King Prajadhipok performed the coronation ceremony following the old traditions with minor differences or adjustments. The preparation period began on 3 February 1925 with the inscription of the King’s official name on the royal golden plague, the engraving of his royal seal, the preparation of Sacred water, and the chanting of prayers to encircle the holy water with holy threads to begin the ceremony. On 25 February, the King attended the royal coronation ceremony and later granted an audience in the Amarindra Vinijaya Throne Hall. The installation of the Queen and H.M. the King’s declaring his royal patronage of the Buddhist place also occurred on the same day.

The exhibition is available to view online at https://www.kpi-vmuseum.com/vm/rotate/y_24_4_2562-new/
