“Siam-Italy Relations in the reign of King Prajadhipok”
Held between 24 September 2019 – 28 February 2020.
At the Temporary exhibition room on first floor, the heritage building, King Prajadhipok Museum.
King Prajadhipok travelled to Europe to have an eye operation in 1933 with Queen Rambhai Barni. During this occasion, he visited the Kingdom of Italy, which was under the control of the Fascist Regime, with Benito Mussolini as the prime minister. H.M. paid great attention to many forms of the regime to seek a suitable one for his kingdom of Siam, including fascism. He had previously spoken to Mussolini about education in Italy. His visit was in part to strengthen the relations with the Savoy dynasty of Italy and to see how the Fascist regime had commanded loyalty, harmony, and enthusiasm from the people, encouraging them to be the drivers of the country. His trip was mostly confined to official places and schools. In addition, he visited LUCE and other museums. It illustrated his untiring pursuit of the best system for Thailand, even though his intention was cut short by an unexpected abdication after his European visit.
The museum published Archives of the Official Visit to Europe, during 1933-1934, of King Rama VII (only in Italy), a three-language edition, detailing the complete details of his visit. The stories presented through the exhibition offered knowledge and presentations through multimedia and the display of unique objects.
The exhibition is available to view online at https://www.kpi-vmuseum.com/vm/rotate/y_28_10_2562-new/