“Photographs from King Rama VII Era’s Film Rolls”
Held between 3 April to 15 May 2004
At the Temporary exhibition room on first floor, the heritage building, King Prajadhipok Museum.
Films provide a way to record history as moving and touching images. Over 150 footage of H.M. King Prajadhipok’s films are kept at the Film conservation division, Photography and Cinematography Technology department, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, South Bangkok Campus. These films contain historical value as they give a glimpse into places in the old world he had visited. Unfortunately, they were improperly maintained and required urgent conservation efforts. To address this issue, the Museum sub-committee and its president Assoc. Prof. M.R. Prithisan Chumpol intended to publicise the films. They requested assistance from the Photography and Cinematography Technology Department, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep in sorting and conversing some of the films located there and displaying them in the exhibition with an accompanying exhibition booklet.